An analysis for the TrendCT story: When do police most often ticket drivers? And for what?
The data is from the Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project hosted at the CT Data Collaborative which collects traffic incident reports between October 2013 and September 2014.
# Bringing the data in. This is a huge file. Brace yourself.
incidents <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Most popular ticket type
c <- ggplot(incidents, aes(x=StatutoryReasonForStop))
c <- c + geom_histogram(colour="darkred",fill="white", binwidth=1)
c + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
# Cleaning up the dates and time
incidents$RealDate <- as.POSIXct(as.Date(incidents$InterventionDateTime, origin="1899-12-30"))
incidents$RealTime <- format(as.POSIXct((incidents$InterventionTime) * 86400, origin = "1970-01-01"), "%H:%M")
incidents$RealTime <- hm(incidents$RealTime)
incidents$Day.of.Week <- as.factor(incidents$Day.of.Week)
levels(incidents$Day.of.Week) <- c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
Which month has the most tickets?
incidents$month <- month(incidents$RealDate, label=TRUE)
c <- ggplot(incidents, aes(x=month))
c <- c + geom_histogram(colour="darkred",fill="white", binwidth=1)
Which day of the week gets the most tickets?
c <- ggplot(incidents, aes(x=Day.of.Week))
c <- c + geom_histogram(colour="darkred",fill="white", binwidth=1)
Which specific day of the year gets the most tickets?
incidents$calendar <- floor_date(incidents$RealDate, "day")
cal_days <- data.frame(table(incidents$calendar))
colnames(cal_days) <- c("Date", "Tickets")
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
# This is to convert the time series into another format called eXtensible Time Series
tix <- xts(cal_days[,-1],$Date))
colnames(tix) <- "Tickets"
dygraph(tix, main="Tickets by day in Connecticut") %>%
dyOptions(stepPlot = TRUE, fillGraph=TRUE) %>%
10 days that got the most tickets
334 |
2014-08-29 |
3244 |
236 |
2014-05-23 |
3190 |
348 |
2014-09-12 |
2859 |
340 |
2014-09-04 |
2850 |
277 |
2014-07-03 |
2842 |
233 |
2014-05-20 |
2826 |
237 |
2014-05-24 |
2813 |
341 |
2014-09-05 |
2755 |
234 |
2014-05-21 |
2706 |
354 |
2014-09-18 |
2648 |
#Most day of the month gets the most tickets?
incidents$day_num <- day(incidents$RealDate)
c <- ggplot(incidents, aes(x=day_num))
c <- c + geom_histogram(colour="darkred",fill="white", binwidth=1)
# That's not very useful-- 11 months of the year have 30 days while half of that has 31.
# Let's try to be more accurate
# Let's focus on the last week, first week, and everything in between as middle weeks.
# What's the average ticket per day based on those categories?
incidents$cal_month <- floor_date(incidents$RealDate, "month")
cal_months <- data.frame(table(incidents$cal_month))
incidents$cal_week <- floor_date(incidents$RealDate, "week")
cal_week <- data.frame(table(incidents$cal_week))
incidents$cal_days <- days_in_month(incidents$RealDate)
incidents$day_num <- day(incidents$RealDate)
day_num <- data.frame(sort(table(incidents$day_num), descending=TRUE))
longmonth <- subset(incidents, cal_days==31)
midmonth <- subset(incidents, cal_days==30)
shortmonth <- subset(incidents, cal_days==28)
longmonth_end <- subset(longmonth, (day_num==25 | day_num==26 | day_num==27 |
day_num==28 | day_num==29 | day_num==30 | day_num==31))
last_seven_long <- nrow(longmonth_end)/7
longmonth_start <- subset(longmonth, (day_num==1 | day_num==2 | day_num==3 |
day_num==4 | day_num==5 | day_num==6 | day_num==7))
first_seven_long <- nrow(longmonth_start)/7
longmonth_mid <- subset(longmonth, (day_num!=1 & day_num!=2 & day_num!=3 &
day_num!=4 & day_num!=5 & day_num!=6 & day_num!=7 &
day_num!=25 & day_num!=26 & day_num!=27 &
day_num!=28 & day_num!=29 & day_num!=30 & day_num!=31))
mid_seven_long <- nrow(longmonth_mid)/17
Average number of tickets per day in a 31 day month
avg_long <- data.frame(first_seven_long, mid_seven_long, last_seven_long)
colnames(avg_long) <- c("First week", "Middle weeks", "Last week")
10757.86 |
11375.59 |
12190.57 |
midmonth_end <- subset(midmonth, (day_num==24 | day_num==25 | day_num==26 |
day_num==27 | day_num==28 | day_num==29 | day_num==30))
last_seven_mid <- nrow(midmonth_end)/7
midmonth_start <- subset(midmonth, (day_num==1 | day_num==2 | day_num==3 |
day_num==4 | day_num==5 | day_num==6 | day_num==7))
first_seven_mid <- nrow(midmonth_start)/7
midmonth_mid <- subset(midmonth, (day_num!=1 & day_num!=2 & day_num!=3 &
day_num!=4 & day_num!=5 & day_num!=6 & day_num!=7 &
day_num!=24 & day_num!=25 & day_num!=26 &
day_num!=27 & day_num!=28 & day_num!=29 & day_num!=30))
mid_seven_mid <- nrow(midmonth_mid)/16
Average number of tickets per day in a 30 day month
avg_mid <- data.frame(first_seven_mid, mid_seven_mid, last_seven_mid)
colnames(avg_mid) <- c("First week", "Middle weeks", "Last week")
shortmonth_end <- subset(shortmonth, (day_num==22 | day_num==23 | day_num==24 |
day_num==25 | day_num==26 | day_num==27 | day_num==28))
last_seven_short <- nrow(shortmonth_end)/7
shortmonth_start <- subset(shortmonth, (day_num==1 | day_num==2 | day_num==3 |
day_num==4 | day_num==5 | day_num==6 | day_num==7))
first_seven_short <- nrow(shortmonth_start)/7
shortmonth_mid <- subset(shortmonth, (day_num!=1 & day_num!=2 & day_num!=3 &
day_num!=4 & day_num!=5 & day_num!=6 & day_num!=7 &
day_num!=22 & day_num!=23 & day_num!=24 &
day_num!=25 & day_num!=26 & day_num!=27 & day_num!=28))
mid_seven_short <- nrow(shortmonth_mid)/14
Average number of tickets per day in February
avg_short <- data.frame(first_seven_short, mid_seven_short, last_seven_short)
colnames(avg_short) <- c("First week", "Middle weeks", "Last week")
Average (of the averages) number of tickets per day based on time of month
avg_last <- (last_seven_short+last_seven_mid+last_seven_long)/3
avg_mid <- (mid_seven_short+mid_seven_mid+mid_seven_long)/3
avg_start<- (first_seven_short+first_seven_mid+first_seven_long)/3
avg <- data.frame(avg_start, avg_mid, avg_last)
colnames(avg) <- c("First week", "Middle weeks", "Last weeks")
6341.714 |
6464.384 |
6773.857 |
Overall, it looks like the daily average of tickets increases through the month.
Except in months with 30 days of the year. Then the trend reverses.