This is an exploratory analysis of ad buys in Connecticut via presidential candidates leading up to the primary election

This analysis accompanies the Trend CT story

This analysis is based off data aggregated by the Sunlight Foundation’s

Let’s load up the packages we’ll need


Bringing in the data from ad_extractor.R and parser_totals.R and joining them.

url <- ""
the_csv <- getURL(url)
totals <- read.csv(textConnection(the_csv), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# totals <- read.csv("data/ad_buys.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
totals$gross.amount <- gsub("\\$", "", totals$gross.amount)
totals$gross.amount <- gsub(",", "", totals$gross.amount)
totals$gross.amount <- as.numeric(totals$gross.amount)

totals$net.amount <- gsub("\\$", "", totals$net.amount)
totals$net.amount <- gsub(",", "", totals$net.amount)
totals$net.amount <- as.numeric(totals$net.amount)

totals$agency.commission <- totals$gross.amount - totals$net.amount

# making the dates recongized by R

totals$time.period.start <- mdy(totals$time.period.start)
totals$time.period.end <- mdy(totals$time.period.end)

totals$sheet <- gsub("spreadsheets/", "", totals$sheet)
totals$sheet <- gsub(".xlsx", "", totals$sheet)

# joining the data with the original dataframe from ad_extractor.R
# this will add more details like station and advertiser

url <- ""
the_csv <- getURL(url)
presi_table <- read.csv(textConnection(the_csv), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# presi_table <- read.csv("data/ads_dataframe.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
totals <- left_join(totals, presi_table, by="sheet")

# create a new column identifying the candidate based on what group bought the ad
totals$candidate <- ""

for (i in 1:nrow(totals)) {
  info <- str_to_upper(totals$Advertiser.File.Info[i])
  if (grepl("BERNIE", info)) {
    totals$candidate[i] <- "Bernie Sanders"
  } else if (grepl("HILLARY", info)) {
    totals$candidate[i] <- "Hillary Clinton"
  } else {
    totals$candidate[i] <- "Other"

# cleaning up the column names to eliminate spaces
colnames(totals) <- c("row", "time.period.start", "time.period.end", "spots", "gross.amount", "agency.commission", "net.amount", "sheet", "row2", "tv.station", "market", "date", "type", "status", "spots2", "cost2", "advertiser", "link", "doc", "candidate")
totals <- totals[c("candidate",  "tv.station", "market", "date", "time.period.start", "time.period.end", "spots", "gross.amount", "agency.commission", "net.amount", "sheet", "advertiser", "link", "doc")]

Cleaning up the data

# create a new column identifying the group
totals$group <- ""

for (i in 1:nrow(totals)) {
  info <- str_to_upper(totals$advertiser[i])
  if (grepl("HILLARY 2016", info)) {
    totals$group[i] <- "Hillary 2016"
  } else if (grepl("BERNIE SANDERS FOR PRESIDENT", info)) {
    totals$group[i] <- "Bernie Sanders for President"
  } else if (grepl("HILLARY CLINTON", info)) {
    totals$group[i] <- "Hillary Clinton" 
  } else if (grepl("BERNIE SANDERS", info)) {
    totals$group[i] <- "Bernie Sanders" 
  }  else if (grepl("BERNIE 2016", info)) {
    totals$group[i] <- "Bernie 2016" 
  } else if (grepl("HILLARY FOR AMERICA", info)) {
    totals$group[i] <- "Hillary for America" 

# Picking out the most-recent contracts, discarding the invoices with no pricing data
check <- totals %>%
  group_by(tv.station, time.period.start, time.period.end, candidate) %>%

check2 <- totals
check2$mega <- paste(check2$tv.station, check2$time.period.start,check2$time.period.end,check2$candidate)

check3 <- check2 %>%
  group_by(mega) %>%
  top_n(n = 1, wt=spots)

# Making sure there are no duplicate rows
check3 <- unique(check3)

# Now check to see if there are any overlapping time periods
check3$interval <- interval(check3$time.period.start, check3$time.period.end)

check3$overlaps <- ""
rows <- nrow(check3)-1
for (i in 1:rows) {
    if ((check3$tv.station[i]==check3$tv.station[i+1]) && (check3$group[i]==check3$group[i+1])) {
      if (int_overlaps(check3$interval[i], check3$interval[i+1])) {
      check3$overlaps[i] <- "yes"
      check3$overlaps[i+1] <- "yes" } 
      else {
        check3$overlaps[i] <- "no"
    } else {
      check3$overlaps[i] <- "no"

# Alright, just a handful of overlapping contact periods
# It looks like there was one Hillary contract that was revised to expand the time period and increase ad buys
# Will take out the older contract

check3 <- subset(check3, sheet!="04_11_16WFSB14603982219469_38")

Some preliminary analysys

# How much did each candidate spend on ad buys in CT?
tapply(check3$gross.amount, check3$candidate, sum)
##  Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton 
##          722190          171720
# How many ads did they buy each?
tapply(check3$spots, check3$candidate, sum)
##  Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton 
##            1864             784
## How many ads by station?
tapply(check3$spots, check3$tv.station, sum)
##     405     415     431     335     551     511
# How many by ad period start date?
tapply(check3$spots, check3$time.period.start, sum)
## 2016-03-28 2016-04-25 
##       2446        202
# How many ads did each group purchase?
tapply(check3$spots, check3$group, sum)
##                  Bernie 2016               Bernie Sanders 
##                          936                          532 
## Bernie Sanders for President                 Hillary 2016 
##                          396                          389 
##              Hillary Clinton          Hillary for America 
##                          208                          187
# How much was spent by each group?
tapply(check3$gross.amount, check3$group, sum)
##                  Bernie 2016               Bernie Sanders 
##                       344060                        79645 
## Bernie Sanders for President                 Hillary 2016 
##                       298485                        60550 
##              Hillary Clinton          Hillary for America 
##                        26830                        84340
# How much was spent total by date of FCC filing?
tapply(check3$gross.amount, check3$date, sum)
## 04/08/16 04/11/16 04/12/16 04/13/16 04/14/16 04/15/16 
##    23405   183810    94195   296785   109805   185910

Visualizing the analysis

## Money spent by FCC filing date
sum_date <- check3 %>%
  group_by(date, candidate, tv.station) %>%

sum_date_only <- check3 %>%
  group_by(date, candidate) %>%

ggplot(data=sum_date_only, aes(x=date, y=total, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + ggtitle("Total spent on ad buys by day")

ggplot(data=sum_date, aes(x=date, y=total, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge())+ facet_wrap(~tv.station) +
  ggtitle("Total spent on ad buys by day and station")

## Money spent by start period

sum_period_start <- check3 %>%
  group_by(time.period.start, candidate, tv.station) %>%

ggplot(data=sum_period_start, aes(x=time.period.start, y=total, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
  ggtitle("Money spent by start period")

ggplot(data=sum_period_start, aes(x=time.period.start, y=total, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge())+ facet_wrap(~tv.station) +
 ggtitle("Money spent by start period and station")

## Money spent by group

sum_group <- check3 %>%
  group_by(group, candidate, tv.station) %>%

ggplot(data=sum_group, aes(x=group, y=total, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
 ggtitle("Money spent by group")

ggplot(data=sum_group, aes(x=group, y=total, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge())+ facet_wrap(~tv.station) + coord_flip() +
 ggtitle("Money spent by group and station")

## Spots by FCC filing date

spots_date <- check3 %>%
  group_by(date, candidate, tv.station) %>%

spots_date2 <- check3 %>%
  group_by(date, candidate) %>%

ggplot(data=spots_date2, aes(x=date, y=spots, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
  ggtitle("Total ads purchased by day")

ggplot(data=spots_date, aes(x=date, y=spots, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge())+ facet_wrap(~tv.station) +
  ggtitle("Total ads purchased by day and station")

## spots by start period
spot_period_start <- check3 %>%
  group_by(time.period.start, candidate, tv.station) %>%

ggplot(data=spot_period_start, aes(x=time.period.start, y=spots, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
  ggtitle("Spots by start period")

ggplot(data=spot_period_start, aes(x=time.period.start, y=spots, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + facet_wrap(~tv.station) + theme_minimal() +
  ggtitle("Spots by start period and station")

# Spots and Candidates and Station

scs <- check3 %>%
  group_by(candidate, tv.station) %>%

ggplot(data=scs, aes(x=tv.station, y=spots, fill=candidate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + theme_minimal() +
  ggtitle("Spots and candidates and station")

## for datatables

for_dt <- check3
for_dt <- for_dt[c("candidate", "group", "tv.station", "date", "spots", "net.amount", "agency.commission", "gross.amount", "time.period.start", "time.period.end")]
colnames(for_dt) <- c("Candidate", "Group", "Station", "Date", "Spots", "Net amount", "Commission", "Gross amount", "Ad start", "Ad end")
for_dt <- data.frame(for_dt)


Read the story in

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton campaigns increasing ad buys before CT primaries