This documentation accompanies the TrendCT story: Minorities were disproportionately charged for drug possession in urban Connecticut.
The analysis was based on arrests data from the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
## [1] "...All names matched. That's a rare thing."
Since 1999 there have been 54530 arrests for 21-279(d).
race_year_d <- data.frame(table(just_d$Year,just_d$Def_Race))
colnames(race_year_d) <- c("Year", "Race", "Arrests")
ggplot(race_year_d, aes(Year, Arrests, group=Race, colour=Race)) +
geom_path(alpha=0.5) +
ggtitle("Race of those arrested for Possession since 1999") +
# And by percent
ggplot(race_year_d, aes(Year, Arrests, group=Race, fill=Race)) + geom_area(position="fill")
# Which towns have the most arrests?
town_arrests_d <- data.frame(table(just_d$
colnames(town_arrests_d) <- c("id", "Total.Arrests")
town_arrests_d$id <- as.character(town_arrests_d$id)
town_arrests_d <- town_arrests_d[order(-town_arrests_d$Total.Arrests),]
## rgeos version: 0.3-11, (SVN revision 479)
## GEOS runtime version: 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921
## Linking to sp version: 1.1-0
## Polygon checking: TRUE
## Attaching package: 'rgeos'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:gpclib':
## append.poly, area.poly, get.bbox, get.pts, read.polyfile,
## scale.poly, triangulate, tristrip, write.polyfile
## Warning in gpclibPermit(): support for gpclib will be withdrawn from
## maptools at the next major release
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
towns_arrests_pop_d <- left_join(townpop, town_arrests_d)
## Joining by: "id"
towns_arrests_pop_d$Total.Arrests[$Total.Arrests)] <-0
towns_arrests_pop_d$id <- stri_trans_general(towns_arrests_pop_d$id, id="Title")
towns_arrests_pop_d$Per10kResidents <- (towns_arrests_pop_d$Total.Arrests/towns_arrests_pop_d$Population)*10000
towns_arrests_pop_d$Per10kResidents <- round(towns_arrests_pop_d$Per10kResidents, digits=2)
towns_arrests_pop_d <- towns_arrests_pop_d[order(-towns_arrests_pop_d$Per10kResidents),]
towntracts <- readOGR(dsn="townsmap", layer="towns")
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile Source: “townsmap”, layer: “towns” with 169 features It has 21 fields
towntracts <- fortify(towntracts, region="NAME10")
town_arr_Data_d <- left_join(towntracts, towns_arrests_pop_d)
## Joining by: "id"
p3 <- ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data = town_arr_Data_d, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group,
fill=Per10kResidents), color = "black", size=0.2) +
coord_map() +
scale_fill_distiller(type="seq", palette = "Greens", breaks=pretty_breaks(n=5)) +
theme_nothing(legend=TRUE) +
labs(title="Possession arrests between 1999 and 2014 per 10,000 residents", fill="")
arrests_d_urban <- subset(just_d, (TOWN=="Bridgeport" | TOWN=="Hartford" | TOWN=="New Haven" |
TOWN=="New Britain" | TOWN=="West Haven" | TOWN=="New London" |
TOWN=="Waterbury" | TOWN=="Norwalk" | TOWN=="Waterbury" |
TOWN=="Norwalk" | TOWN=="Ansonia" | TOWN=="Stamford"))
arrests_d_urban.year <- data.frame(table(arrests_d_urban$Year, arrests_d_urban$Def_Race))
colnames(arrests_d_urban.year) <- c("Year", "Race", "Arrests")
ady1 <- ggplot(arrests_d_urban.year, aes(Year, Arrests, group=Race, colour=Race)) +
geom_path(alpha=0.5) +
ggtitle("Total") +
ady2 <- ggplot(arrests_d_urban.year, aes(Year, Arrests, group=Race, fill=Race)) + geom_area(position="fill") +
ggtitle("Percent") +
grid.arrange(ady1, ady2, ncol=1, main="Race of those arrested for Possession in Urban towns")
arrests_d_suburban <- subset(just_d, !(TOWN=="Bridgeport" | TOWN=="Hartford" | TOWN=="New Haven" |
TOWN=="New Britain" | TOWN=="West Haven" | TOWN=="New London" |
TOWN=="Waterbury" | TOWN=="Norwalk" | TOWN=="Waterbury" |
TOWN=="Norwalk" | TOWN=="Ansonia" | TOWN=="Stamford"))
arrests_d_suburban.year <- data.frame(table(arrests_d_suburban$Year, arrests_d_suburban$Def_Race))
colnames(arrests_d_suburban.year) <- c("Year", "Race", "Arrests")
ady1 <- ggplot(arrests_d_suburban.year, aes(Year, Arrests, group=Race, colour=Race)) +
geom_path(alpha=0.5) +
ggtitle("Total") +
ady2 <- ggplot(arrests_d_suburban.year, aes(Year, Arrests, group=Race, fill=Race)) + geom_area(position="fill") +
ggtitle("Percent") +
grid.arrange(ady1, ady2, ncol=1, main="Race of those arrested for Possession in Suburban towns")
This spatial analysis was conducted in QGIS.
We mapped this list of schools and day care centers obtained from the state, added a buffer zone of 1,500 feet around each spot and merged the blobs.
Then we calculated the area of each town and the area of the zones within each to find the percent makeup of each. Here’s the data.
townshapes <- readOGR(dsn="shapes", layer="finaltowns")
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile Source: “shapes”, layer: “finaltowns” with 169 features It has 22 fields
dshapes <- readOGR(dsn="shapes", layer="finalschoolsdaycares")
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile Source: “shapes”, layer: “finalschoolsdaycares” with 169 features It has 25 fields
bshapes <- readOGR(dsn="shapes", layer="finalzones")
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile Source: “shapes”, layer: “finalzones” with 169 features It has 28 fields
leaflet(townshapes) %>% addTiles('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png') %>%
addPolygons(stroke=TRUE, color="Black", weight=1, fillOpacity=0.1, smoothFactor=.5,
fillColor = "#999999") %>%
addPolygons(data=dshapes, stroke=TRUE, weight=3, fillOpacity=0.8, smoothFactor=.5,
color = "#f72a5f") %>%
addLegend("bottomright", colors= "#f72a5f", labels="Schools, Day Cares", title="1,500 ft Violation Zones")
We calculated the area of the school and day care zones in each city versus the area of the entire town according to the US Census. Dense urban areas like Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport had a higher percent of those mandatory minimum zones within town borders.
Note: Calculations for towns along the coast will be off because the census borders for the towns sometimes extends out into the water.
calculations <- read.csv("data/calculations.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
d279 <- calculations[,c("NAME10","AREA","SCHOOLSDAYCARES", "PER1")]
colnames(d279) <- c("Town", "Square.Feet", "Buffer.Square.Feet", "")
d279 <- arrange(d279, desc(
## Loading required package: RCurl
## Loading required package: bitops
## Loading required package: RJSONIO
arrests_new <- read.csv("data/arrests_h.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
pop <- read.csv("data/ctpop.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
newnames <- read.csv("data/townlist.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(newnames) <- c("TOWN", "Town.Name")
arrests_new <- left_join(arrests_new, newnames)
## Joining by: "TOWN"
arr_charges <- data.frame(table(arrests_new$Town.Name, arrests_new$ORIGINAL_STATUTE))
arr_charges_d <- filter(arr_charges, Var2=="21a-279(d)")
colnames(arr_charges_d) <- c("Town", "Statute", "Arrests")
arr_charges_d$Town <- str_to_title(arr_charges_d$Town)
arr_charges_d <- left_join(arr_charges_d, d279)
## Joining by: "Town"
arr_charges_d <- na.omit(arr_charges_d)
arr_charges_d[2] <- NULL
arr_charges_d[3] <- NULL
arr_charges_d[3] <- NULL
colnames(pop) <- c("Town", "Population")
pop$Town <- str_to_title(pop$Town)
arr_charges_d <- left_join(arr_charges_d, pop)
## Joining by: "Town"
arr_charges_d$Arrests.Per.Capita <- (arr_charges_d$Arrests/arr_charges_d$Population)*1000
arr_charges_d$Arrests.Per.Capita <- round(arr_charges_d$Arrests.Per.Capita, digits=2)
daplot <- ggplot(arr_charges_d, aes(, y=Arrests)) +
geom_point(aes(text=Town)) +
geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y ~ poly(x, 3), size=1) +
theme_minimal() +
ggtitle("Number of arrests versus percent of town in zone") +
labs(x="Percent of town in buffer", y="Arrests for 279(d) since 1999")
oy <- plotly()
oy$ggplotly(daplot, session="knitr", kwargs=list(layout=list(hovermode="closest", filename="buffer-279d", fileopt="overwrite")))
So the correlation between Arrests and Percent of Town in the Buffer zone?
That’s a strong positive relationship.
ug <- ggplot(arr_charges_d, aes(x=Population, y=Arrests)) +
geom_point(aes(text=Town)) +
geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y ~ poly(x, 2), size=1) +
ug <- ug + ggtitle("Number of arrests versus population of town")
ug <- ug + labs(x="Population", y="Arrests for 279(d) since 1999")
qy <- plotly()
qy$ggplotly(ug, session="knitr", kwargs=list(layout=list(hovermode="closest", filename="arrests-279d", fileopt="overwrite")))
#pal <- colorQuantile("YlGn", NULL, n = 10)
mb_tiles <- "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
mb_attribution <- 'Mapbox <a href="" target="_blank">Terms & Feedback</a>'
d279 <- arr_charges_d
names(d279)[names(d279) == 'Town'] <- 'NAME10'
townstuffd <- merge(townshapes, d279)
town_popupd <- paste0("<strong>",
"<strong>Percent in buffer: </strong>",
townstuffd$, "%<br><strong>Arrests: </strong>",
townstuffd$Arrests, "<br><strong>Arrests per capita: </strong>",
binpald <- colorBin("Blues", townstuffd$, 6, pretty = FALSE)
leaflet(townstuffd) %>%
addTiles(urlTemplate = mb_tiles,
attribution = mb_attribution) %>%
addPolygons(fillColor = ~binpald(,
fillOpacity = 0.8,
color = "#BDBDC3",
weight = 1,
popup = town_popupd) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal=binpald,,
title="Percent of town in a buffer zone",
opacity = 1 )
binpald2 <- colorBin("Greens", townstuffd$Arrests.Per.Capita, 6, pretty = FALSE)
leaflet(townstuffd) %>%
addTiles(urlTemplate = mb_tiles,
attribution = mb_attribution) %>%
addPolygons(fillColor = ~binpald2(Arrests.Per.Capita),
fillOpacity = 0.8,
color = "#BDBDC3",
weight = 1,
popup = town_popupd) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal=binpald2, values=~Arrests.Per.Capita,
title="Arrests per capita",
opacity = 1 )
count_d <- table(just_d$, just_d$Def_Race)
count_d <-
count_d$Total <- count_d[,1]+count_d[,2]+count_d[,3]+count_d[,4]+count_d[,5]+count_d[,6]
count_d$White.Percent <- round((count_d$White/count_d$Total)*100, digits=2)
count_d$Minority.Percent <- 100-count_d$White.Percent
count_d$Town <- rownames(count_d)
count_d[,1] <- NULL
count_d[,1] <- NULL
count_d[,1] <- NULL
count_d[,1] <- NULL
count_d[,1] <- NULL
count_d[,1] <- NULL
count_d[,1] <- NULL
joined_d <- left_join(arr_charges_d, count_d)